Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Components of News

News in newspaper is made up of four part. First , Headline is similar to topic in general paragraph, but chosen word must arouse people who read it. Second part is lead that sum up what, when, where, who, how and why in news. Next part is neck. this part is contain anything that can't put into lead ,but it is necessarily. Last one is body. It contains detail but in particular way than lead. Every news components can have more than one paragraph except body.


Before your company decides to make an announcement, you must make sure it’s newsworthy. Otherwise, you aren’t writing an effective press release. One of the most important questions to ask yourself is if anyone outside your company will care about the news you’re releasing. 


Your news release headline should be interesting and compelling to draw in readers. You should use action verbs. Make sure the headline captures the main idea of your news release so it grabs the attention of busy journalists who skim headlines for news they want to report on


The summary paragraph gives a quick synopsis of the contents of the press release. The summary paragraph comes after the headline and allows you to give a short description of your business and the information that you are releasing. It is important to have a good summary because some press release outlets just feature your headline, your summary and a link to your website. 


Make sure you verify that all attributed material and all other information is proven to be true. Just because material is correctly attributed, does not prove that it is true. 


Make sure you do not leave the reader with any unanswered questions about the story. 


Know what to include and what to leave out of your story. What is the most important information that the reader needs to know? (who, what, when, why, and how).


Write about your topic clearly and succinctly. To do this, you must thoroughly understand your topic.

Happy Learning!
Anamika Gupta

Monday, 29 April 2019

News values and Elements of News

News is a piece of information about an event that would be a matter of interest for a large number of readers. History never actually repeats, but it does seem to repeat tendencies. Similarly, news stories never duplicate each other, but they do have a way of falling into definite categories. Analyzing them as we read them from day to day or listen to them as they come over through difference source of news like radio, TV or newspaper. We can easily distinguish elements of news interest which recur constantly. Sometimes a news story will contain several of these interest provoking news elements but sometimes one.

Elements and Values:- 


Proximity or nearness refers to geographic nearness. Normally a reader is more interested in an event geographically nearer than the one which has taken place in some remote part of the world.


The oddity or queerness helps to make facts interesting. The greater the degree of oddity in a story, the greater is its value as news.


A reporter should emphasize the angle of a story that will interest most readers, listeners or viewers in terms of consequences.


Everyone loves to hate on the philandering congressman who sends inappropriate pictures under an absurd virtual handle. Reporters want a scoop on scandal.


Current news has more impact than something that happened yesterday or last week. The news media loses interest quickly and past events become stale when there's always fresh news somewhere.


Events are more newsworthy when they involve disagreement.


Events are more newsworthy when they involve an issue that is top of mind in the public.


The main objective of news is to keep the listeners in picture of what is happening around them and in the world. And the purpose is achieved only if clarity is there clarity.

Happy Learning!
Anamika Gupta

Friday, 26 April 2019


"रवैया" ... एक शब्द ही एक बड़ा वाक्य करता है जो आगामी समय के उत्पादन को निर्धारित करता है। हम ज्यादातर लोगों को केवल उनके रवैये को देखकर आंकते हैं, लेकिन क्या यह अवलोकन का कार्य इतना आसान या सरल है जितना कि यह प्रतीत होता है?
कुंआ! क्षमता को मापने या किसी के बारे में निर्णय लेने से पहले, सबसे पहले यह देखना चाहिए कि वह स्वयं उस संबंधित अवलोकन के लिए पूर्ण है या नहीं।
मनोवृत्ति वह तरीका है जिसमें आप दुनिया को देखते हैं या यह कह सकते हैं कि जिस तरह से आप दुनिया को देखते हैं।
अच्छे रवैये वाला व्यक्ति ज्यादातर सभी से प्यार करता है क्योंकि उसके प्रति घृणा की भावना होने की संभावना कम हो जाती है। एटीट्यूड एक ऐसा गुण है जो सभी को पसंद आता है और नफरत भी।
हममें से प्रत्येक व्यक्ति अपने जीवन के किसी भी पथ पर इस तरह के कठिन समय, दिल का दर्द, अवसाद, शारीरिक और भावनात्मक दर्द का सामना करता है, लेकिन यह महसूस करने का तरीका उस समय हमारे साथ क्या होता है, लेकिन हम उस पर प्रतिक्रिया करने के लिए कैसे चुनते हैं परिस्थिति।
हम उन सभी परिस्थितियों के लिए जिम्मेदार हैं, जिनका हम अपने जीवन में सामना करते हैं, लेकिन फिर भी हम इसके लिए अपनी किस्मत को दोष देते हैं। कहीं न कहीं, यहाँ काम करने के लिए सबसे ऊँची और प्रभावशाली आवाज़ सुनने की ज़रूरत है, जो कि हमारी आंतरिक आवाज़या हमारी अंतरात्माहै, जो हमारे लिए सबसे अच्छा आलोचक है जिससे हम सही राह चुन सकते हैं!

दिल्ली एक बेहतर विकल्प कैसे हो सकता है

मनोवृत्ति जीवन का मार्ग है। एक सही और दृढ़ इच्छाशक्ति सफलता की कुंजी साबित होती है चाहे वह सकारात्मक हो या नकारात्मक, लेकिन इसके उज्ज्वल पक्ष का उचित उपयोग करने के लिए इस तरह के एक्सपोजर और स्टेज को भीतर तलाशने की जरूरत है। हमारी पूंजी जैसा कि हम सभी जानते हैं कि विभिन्न व्यवसायों का एक केंद्र है। आप दिल्ली में सर्वश्रेष्ठ पत्रकारिता और जनसंचार महाविद्यालय और जनसंचार के सर्वोत्तम संस्थान प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। युवाओं को भारत में कई पत्रकारिता, जनसंचार, विज्ञापन, जनसंपर्क, पी। आर।, फोटोग्राफी, कॉलेज / संस्थान मिल सकते हैं। कई और व्यक्तित्व विकास कार्यक्रम, आप राजधानी में पा सकते हैं।

अनामिका गुप्ता


Thursday, 25 April 2019


Panel discussions at conferences are a useful way to trigger an exchange of viewpoints among experts, either with prepared statements or in response to questions from the audience. Because they involve on-the-spot interaction, they are more difficult to prepare for than presentations. Because they may involve divergence of viewpoints and possibly competition for speaking time, they are also more difficult to manage than the normal questions at the end of a presentation. For the same reasons, they are more challenging to moderate than a regular conference session.

Preparing for the panel
Figure out the goals of the panel. Make sure all of the participants know why the panel has been assembled well in advance, so they have time to prepare. Your panel may be trying to present practical solutions to a problem, host a complex, abstract discussion, or provide information on a topic. Let the panelists know whether the panel is a basic introduction to the topic, or whether they can expect the audience to be fairly well-informed and looking for more advanced advice or nuanced perspectives.

Decide how long the panel should last. For most panels, especially those taking place at a conference or other larger event, 45–60 minutes is the recommended length of time.[6] If the panel is a standalone event, or if it covers a particularly important and popular topic, a 90 minute panel may be appropriate.

Introduce the panelists to each other in advance. Have the panelists meet in person or attend a conference call together, a week or more in advance of the panel. Describe the format of the panel to them, and give them a chance to talk briefly. They may briefly determine who should field questions on which topic, but don't give them the specific questions in advance.

Try to avoid visual presentations. Unless absolutely necessary for the topic, avoid PowerPoint presentations and slides. They tend to slow down the discussion, keep audience involvement low, and often bore the listeners. Use a small number of slides, and only when information or diagrams need to be presented that cannot easily be explained in words alone.

Participating in the discussion
During the discussion itself, follow the moderator's instructions. As a rule, speak only when invited to, but feel free to give signals to the moderator when you would like to contribute to the discussion. When you are speaking, keep it short: A panel discussion is about exchanges, not monologues. Make explicit links to what other panelists have said whenever you add to or disagree with their contributions. When you are not speaking, listen attentively to what others are saying: Make written or mental notes. As much as possible, be a member of the team: Strive to advance the discussion, not your own interests.

Happy Learning!
Anamika Gupta

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Techniques of Presentation

Preparation and knowledge- (of subject and the presentation itself) are the pre-requisites for a successful presentation, which importantly produce confidence and control, in turn important for relaxing the presenter, and the audience.

A simple technique is that people tend to only remember three things. Work out what the three messages that you want your audience to take away and structure your presentation around them. Use a maximum of three points on a slide.

Research and studies- Research and studies generally indicate that in presentation you have between 4-7 seconds in which to make a positive impact and good opening impression, so make sure you have a good, strong, solid introduction, and rehearse it until it is second nature to you and an action of unconscious competence.

Credibility- try to build your own credibility in your introduction, and create a safe comfortable environment for your audience. Which you will do quite naturally if you appear to be comfortable yourself. 

Video yourself- set up a video camera and video yourself presenting. you will see all sorts of mistakes that you are making, from how you are standing, if you are jangling keys, to how well your presentation is structured.

Smile and make eye contact – this shows you are friendly and builds rapport with the audience. It also helps keep you calm and concentrated as you will feel like you are talking to individuals rather than a room filled with people

Slow Down- It’s really easy to rush through your content and speak very quickly, especially if you’re nervous. It’s much easier for an audience to engage with your content if your delivery falls into a natural rhythm. Try to pace yourself and remember to punctuate your speech with pauses to emphasize key points.

Check out the presentation room- Arrive early and check out the presentation room. If you can make sure that you see your slides loaded onto the PC and working on the screen. Work out where you will need to stand.

Happy Learning!
Anamika Gupta

Monday, 22 April 2019

Importance of student voice in the classroom

Creating a classroom environment where students and teacher really listen to one another in an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding may be considered idealists. 

But what are teachers if not idealists?

We come in to the profession for a variety of reasons underscored with the belief that we can make a difference in the lives of our students, leading to an impact on the local and global community.

‘Student voice’ is the individual and collective perspective and actions of students within the context of learning and education. Not only can it change the education climate of a college effectively, it can also strengthen student achievement and foster workforce readiness. Every single student in every classroom has a voice that should be engaged in schools. Student voice allows students to share who they are, what they believe in, and why they believe what they do, with their peers, parents, teachers and their entire college.

In an era of increased accountability and measured student outcomes, student voice represents a growing movement in education. Instead of a top down, teacher directed approach to learning, students play an active and equal role in planning, learning, and leading their classroom instruction as well as contributing to the development of college practices and policies. This significant philosophical shift requires all stakeholders to embrace the belief that there is something to learn from every individual regardless of age, culture, socioeconomic status, or other qualifying factors.

In our country especially, the purpose of schools should be to prepare students to make changes democratically. Providing them with the opportunity to experience the changes that they themselves affect in school increases the chances that when they graduate, they will know how to exercise democracy and believe in it.

Education is a lifelong calling, and it is value-added when there are meaningful processes to help all of us educators to grow, to build on our relationships, and to continuously reflect and act on ways to improve the quality of learning and opportunities for all students.

Happy Learning!
Anamika Gupta

Saturday, 20 April 2019

Why Education is important in our life

Why is education so important because it is a part of our life. Education is so much important for success in life. Education is important for the personal, social and economic development of the nation. Education is important to live with happiness and prosperity. Education empowers minds that will be able to conceive good thoughts and ideas. Education enables students to do the analysis while making life decisions.

Education provides us with knowledge about the world. It paves the way for a good career. It helps build character. It leads to enlightenment. It lays the foundation of a stronger nation. Education makes a man complete. Kautilya, an Indian philosopher, royal adviser, and professor of economics and political science very rightly underlined the importance of education, some 2000 years ago. 

He has highlighted the fact that education enriches people's understanding of themselves. He has said that education is an investment in human capital, and it can have a great impact on a nation's growth and development.

Importance of Education in life:-

To gain respect from the society one should be educated. To lead a happy and prosperous life one need to study and can obtain a great job to be successful in life. It helps in earning money and fulfilling the basic needs of life. Also education will help to gain reputation by being in a great position. One can grow in their career and fulfill their dreams. Education is irrespective of cast, creed and gender, by gaining knowledge people can stand out as equal with all the other persons from different caste and creed. It is a platform to prove the equity by defeating all barriers.

1.    Ability to read and write

2.     Helps to communicate better
3.    Use of technology
4.    Express views and opinions
5.    Mind maturity
6.    Support to the economy
7.    Safe and secure transaction
8.    Ability to serve the society

If every one of us understands the real importance of education and its qualitative significance, and if everyone is educated then what changes can we expect to see in the world? I must re-emphasis that education isn’t just about schools, colleges, and degrees. Someone who has attained most of his knowledge through non-traditional means involving bookish knowledge is just as educated as the one who has a degree. Even today you will find that some of the toppers in the most competitive examinations are the ones who come from a poor background and whose parents never went to school. The children of these poor families are the ones who are excelling in business and running their own successful companies.

Happy Learning!
Anamika Gupta

Friday, 19 April 2019

Impression Management

Impression management is the effort to control or influence other people's perceptions. This could be their perception of a certain person (including you), a material possession or an event. The theory goes on to explain that we try to make the perception consistent with our goals. The most common types of impression management have to do with self-presentation, and in the business world, the presentation of merchandise.

Impression management is a process in which individuals try to influence the perceptions people have about something, a person. or an event. Impression management may be a conscious or subconscious process. If you are an impression management professional, you attempt to influence the observation and opinions that consumers have of your products.

Types of Impression  Management:-
1. Constrictive:- helps in the formation of self identity
2. Strategic:-  helps in the attainment of some interpersonal goal

. Impression management skills exercised by us for years.
. At the time of performing other task we are less concentrated to presenting ourselves.
. Research include extroverts and introverts at the time of job interview
. Cognitive busyness of introverts and extroverts people interfered with in presenting themselves.  

Examples of Impression Management Behavior in  Social Interaction
1. Boasting- this can be seen as a form of excessive self-promotion.
2. Flattery- behavior utilized with the hope that another will like us better for it, in other words, we hope to improve our standing in their eyes.
3. Intimidation- this includes, most notably, aggression tactics that we use to get others to obey us.
4. Gossiping or lying- We lie to avoid or influence/effect a specific outcome, and in the process manage another persons impression of us, a situation or somebody else.

Happy Learning!
Anamika Gupta

Thursday, 18 April 2019


These words represent basic values of democratic political systems, including that of the United States. Rule by absolute monarchs and emperors has often brought peace and order, but at the cost of personal freedoms. Democratic values support the belief that an orderly society can exist in which freedom is preserved. But order and freedom must be balanced.

Democracy helps to prevent rule by cruel and vicious autocrats.Modern representative democracies do not fight wars with one another. countries with democratic governments tend to be more prosperous than countries with nondemocratic governments. Democracy tends to foster human development—as measured by health, education, personal income, and other indicators—more fully than other forms of government do. Other features of democracy also would be considered desirable by most people, though some would regard them as less important than features 1 through 4 above: Democracy helps people to protect their fundamental interests. Democracy guarantees its citizens fundamental rights that nondemocratic systems do not, and cannot, grant. Democracy ensures its citizens a broader range of personal freedoms than other forms of government do. Finally, there are some features of democracy that some people—the critics of democracy—would not consider desirable at all, though most people, upon reflection, would regard them as at least worthwhile: only democracy provides people with a maximum opportunity to live under laws of their own choosing. only democracy provides people with a maximum opportunity to take moral responsibility for their choices and decisions about government policies. Only in a democracy can there be a relatively high level of political equality.

Democracy is all about being able to make informed choices. For example, if there are three political parties in an election, you make a choice from the individual candidates, and/or from the programmes and positions of the parties they represent.
In order for you to make genuinely informed choices, you need to be able to:
·         engage meaningfully in open dialogue and debate
·         access relevant and objective information so that your views are informed
·         perceive that your participation in the debate and subsequent decision-making has value
·         feel safe
·         make a free decision without suffering or fearing harm to yourself or your family.

Happy Learning!
Anamika Gupta