Media is said to be important in rural settings and in the
cultures that are degrading with time. The theory is believed to conserve and
revive local cultures by promoting the right to information (global and local),
right to express (feedback), right to use new technologies (means of
communication), freedom to local data, freedom to take part in social action,
etc. In the process, it expects the government to provide funds, trainings and
subsidies after identification if they have financial or technical difficulties.
Major Features of Democratic-participant Theory
of Mass Communication
Encourages horizontal and bottom up approach in media
Media has supportive rather than critical role
Self regulation of media is also encouraged
More applicable to new media
Development of creativity and innovation in small media
Replacement of media from big media houses to small media
Different communities, groups and organizations possessing
their own media
Strengths of Democratic-participant Theory of
Mass Communication
The audience can participate and get alternatives if not
satisfied with one media.
The community can work for themselves as social action.
The theory is not very authoritative unless
the press hinders the work of the government.
Democracy becomes strong with the application of this theory.
Small media gets the chance to work for local people.
Happy Learning!
Anamika Gupta