Wednesday 22 May 2019

Advantages of Mobile Phones

1. Communication
Mobile phones provide the means to communicate with friends, family, coworkers, and indeed most of the world's population instantly. Unlike previous communication devices, they can be on hand for the caller at all times and used in any place where there is a signal.

2. Fashion and Self-Expression

Choosing which model of phone to carry, customizing things like the ringtone, or buying a more personal phone cover have all become a means of self-expression for mobile phone owners, informing others what sort of person you are.

3. Entertainment

As long you have your mobile phone, there is no reason to get bored There are a multitude of games to download and play, you can read an online article, or get involved with social media to pass time. Smartphone’s allow video watching, as well as listening to radio, podcasts, or music. Plus, if you attend a real life event, you can often store your ticket on your phone to display at the door.

4. Safety

Regarding the case on advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones, advantages accrued from having a phone go much behold the intentional ones. When traveling or going for a hike, your mobile phone offers entertainment and company. But think of it as a safety gadget. When you forget your direction back home or even get hijacked, a mobile phone GPRS can help you trace your way home or help authorities to locate you respectively. Lastly, if any emergency situation happens like an accident or a car breakdown, you can call for rescue or help.

5. Alarm & reminder

You can manage a to-do list using your mobile phones reminder option. Additionally, if you are planning to wake up early in the morning, you can set the alarm with a volume and notification sound of choice. This will help you wake up early enough and avoid being later for your meeting, class or any scheduled activity.
6. Various utilities
Your phone is not only a call, entertainment or data transfer gadget. There are other utility tips of these devices. A mobile phone can act as a torch, a recording device, data storage, calculator, calendar, camera, and many other utility features.
7. Legal Situations

Sometimes you will face the legal issues in your life. These issues can be solved by mobile with proof of call recording or SMS data recovery.

8. Alarm Notes & Reminder

Wants to go office early in the morning but you are always late, Alarm is the best solution for this problem. You can also add notes and reminders in your mobile phones in the favor of your help.

Happy Learning!
Anamika Gupta

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