Tuesday 21 May 2019

Characteristics of a Good Reporter

Regardless of the news subject, news value or format and technology that delivers the information, someone must gather the facts and organize them to tell the story. 

That person is called a reporter, and good reporters have some common characteristics that make them effective.

The most important characteristic of a reporter is ethical behavior. When a reporter fails to operate according to a strong ethical and moral code of behavior, that one individual's failing can damage the overall credibility of the news media in long-term, serious ways.

1. Exhibit broad curiosity; eagerly adapt to new technologies and platforms.
2. Think about multiple audiences.
3. Work hard to create context for their audiences.
4. Smartly balance their time on story choices and audience interactions.
5. Spend considerable time building relationships with sources, readers.
6. Build connections and teamwork within their own newsrooms.
7. Find their own way and direct their own work.

Reporters must also show flexibility. Those who want the routine of 9 to 5 desk job should the world of television news. Few reporters, editors and producer work Monday through Friday during normal business hours, and as your career advances, you'll probably work a variety of schedules that may include weekends. 

Newsroom personnel must be able to change plans in an instant and make the change with a positive attitude. You may  be on your way to cover a council meeting and be  diverted to the scene of an accident. You may have dressed for a live shot in front of a theater and find yourself trudging through mud during a driving rain. Reporters and photographers work in a variety of settings and meet and interview all types of people. Although some days in the newsroom are routine, most days are not, requiring a person to be flexible.

Happy Learning!
Anamika Gupta

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