Wednesday 24 July 2019

Objective Reporting in Journalism

 A reporter should essentially be a story teller. He should tell the story in an objective an truthful manner, without lacing it with any personnel opinions and comments. He should be fair and impartial in presenting the story.

Reporting should be an impersonal job. Complete objectivity is a mere concept. Their argument is that the reporter is a human being and he has certain ideas, feelings, attitudes, opinions and prejudices and that will definitely reflected in the news story.

Objective reporting is factual reporting. An objective reporter tells only what is actually happening in a situation, without including any personal info of some articles.

Objectivity in Journalism

Objectivity means that when covering hard news, reporters don’t convey their own feelings, biases or prejudices in their stories. They accomplish this by writing stories using language that is neutral and avoids characterizing people or institutions in ways good or bad.

But for the beginning reporter accustomed to writing personal essays or journal entries, it can be hard to do this. One trap beginning reporters fall into is the frequent use of adjectives. Adjectives can easily convey one’s feelings about a subject.

Difference between objective point of view and Subjective point of view

Objective point of views are based on fact and proof. This includes using facts and figures to back up a viewpoint or idea.

Subjective point of views are opinionated or based on rumours. This includes a person using emotion and opinions to demonstrate a point.

Happy Learning!
Anamika Gupta

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