Monday 22 April 2019

Importance of student voice in the classroom

Creating a classroom environment where students and teacher really listen to one another in an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding may be considered idealists. 

But what are teachers if not idealists?

We come in to the profession for a variety of reasons underscored with the belief that we can make a difference in the lives of our students, leading to an impact on the local and global community.

‘Student voice’ is the individual and collective perspective and actions of students within the context of learning and education. Not only can it change the education climate of a college effectively, it can also strengthen student achievement and foster workforce readiness. Every single student in every classroom has a voice that should be engaged in schools. Student voice allows students to share who they are, what they believe in, and why they believe what they do, with their peers, parents, teachers and their entire college.

In an era of increased accountability and measured student outcomes, student voice represents a growing movement in education. Instead of a top down, teacher directed approach to learning, students play an active and equal role in planning, learning, and leading their classroom instruction as well as contributing to the development of college practices and policies. This significant philosophical shift requires all stakeholders to embrace the belief that there is something to learn from every individual regardless of age, culture, socioeconomic status, or other qualifying factors.

In our country especially, the purpose of schools should be to prepare students to make changes democratically. Providing them with the opportunity to experience the changes that they themselves affect in school increases the chances that when they graduate, they will know how to exercise democracy and believe in it.

Education is a lifelong calling, and it is value-added when there are meaningful processes to help all of us educators to grow, to build on our relationships, and to continuously reflect and act on ways to improve the quality of learning and opportunities for all students.

Happy Learning!
Anamika Gupta

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