Monday 29 April 2019

News values and Elements of News

News is a piece of information about an event that would be a matter of interest for a large number of readers. History never actually repeats, but it does seem to repeat tendencies. Similarly, news stories never duplicate each other, but they do have a way of falling into definite categories. Analyzing them as we read them from day to day or listen to them as they come over through difference source of news like radio, TV or newspaper. We can easily distinguish elements of news interest which recur constantly. Sometimes a news story will contain several of these interest provoking news elements but sometimes one.

Elements and Values:- 


Proximity or nearness refers to geographic nearness. Normally a reader is more interested in an event geographically nearer than the one which has taken place in some remote part of the world.


The oddity or queerness helps to make facts interesting. The greater the degree of oddity in a story, the greater is its value as news.


A reporter should emphasize the angle of a story that will interest most readers, listeners or viewers in terms of consequences.


Everyone loves to hate on the philandering congressman who sends inappropriate pictures under an absurd virtual handle. Reporters want a scoop on scandal.


Current news has more impact than something that happened yesterday or last week. The news media loses interest quickly and past events become stale when there's always fresh news somewhere.


Events are more newsworthy when they involve disagreement.


Events are more newsworthy when they involve an issue that is top of mind in the public.


The main objective of news is to keep the listeners in picture of what is happening around them and in the world. And the purpose is achieved only if clarity is there clarity.

Happy Learning!
Anamika Gupta

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