Tuesday 5 June 2018

Media Literacy-2

As discussed in previous write-up of media literacy, there are few basic attributes that may help in learning media in every of its stage. We would be discussing them now one by one.

1.     Critical awareness of the media influence on individuals and society:

A media aspirant should know how media affects the thinking of audience/listeners/viewers. Which kind of stuff will leave what kind of impact on one particular age group or how does a particular write up effects the decision making of common citizens. It is very important to understand this factor so as to produce meaningful content for the public.

2.     Understand the nature and operation of media industry as well as the medium characteristics:

Understanding working of media i.e. the professional attribute of media organizations is also very important. You should know in advance, the structure of kind of organization that would become your working place in future.
Also, one should keep in mind the medium for which he is working. Preparing content is different for different media and hence you should keep in mind while producing content whether you are working for print media, Television, Radio or web. Choose the one you are best at and practice it.

3.     Media analytical skill:

While a learner, you should also learn to analyze the media content. How media is dealing with a particular subject, is it impacting the audience in the right way? What may be the forces behind production of any specific content produced by an organization or what is the channel’s or news paper’s political or social ideology? You should have an eye to see behind the walls to apply it on your working in future.

4.     Critical appreciation of the media:

While analyzing the media content, you should learn to rate the content. Use it to enhance your skills. See for what content of media is least visible and which one is more highlighted. Differentiate all the negative and positive sides of organizations and their content. This will definitely help you to produce the right kind of content and choose the right place for you for working later.

5.     Learn through the media:

Observation keeps an important place in media literacy. Since, you are learning about media, working of media is required to be observed. Not everything can be learnt within the walls of classroom, you have to build your own classroom without walls and grab as much as you can.

6.     Creative expression:

The most important thing that is required if you want to get noticed is creative expression. Everyone knows how to speak but speaking that attracts people is rare and that has to be developed. Whether you are writing, speaking, sketching, clicking, don’t be ordinary. Clean a corner of your mind and let the creativity build its home there.

7.     Media monitoring and media criticism skill:

Like earlier said, you should keep an eye to see behind the walls. You have to prepare yourself before going there so they do not have your replacement.

8.     Practice media ethics:

In general life, using our social media handles or discussing issues with friend or families, we do not take care of our words. We would just say whatever we want to say but in media, there are some ethics. You have to express yourself but in a defined way. You have to choose your words carefully. You have to respect privacy of individuals and there a number of ethics that can be discussed widely.
All these have to be taken care of so you do not go beyond the media ethics.

9.     Constructively apply what has learned from the media to everyday life:

Without planning or preparing, you cannot apply it and without applying, you cannot judge yourself. So, whatever, you observe in media, whatever you learn through its content, apply it on your daily life. See around yourself, what event can be converted into news? What can make a beautiful picture? And not just that, whatever you do share it with your friends, family and enemies because while family and friends may hide some of your flaws, your enemies would never do that and that gives you more scope of improvement.

Memorize these basic formulas just like you did with addition and subtraction in class 2, they are surely going to help you forever.

Happy Learning!!!

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